Alex Starkiller wrote:So the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is around to deny human rights? At least that one. Classy.
It depends on how you think about it, just a couple of articles down it proclaims everyone's right to own property ( way to think about native americans France), but if you know the right to property it also automatically declares that everyone else can't own a piece of property that's already owned by you. That seems pretty obvious, right? It's denying the entire planet the right of ownership of my piece of string, so would you argue it's limiting human rights? Not really. Phrasing is important, the UDHR doesn't deny anyone of nubile age and ability to consent the right to marry, and it doesn't even limit how you might feel towards the other person, just as long as the other person if of the oppoiste sex. It's just delineating conditions, and every right is subject to condition ( because I'm loving the whole "totally quotable for stupid sounding" moments), think of the right to kill other people. Oh yeah, it's a right alright. It doesn't really matter to this conversation though, sorry for going off track.
The polemic nature of this issue stems from wanting to remove one of the restrictions on the right to marry. We have to remember that laws existe to regulate a community based on the principles of that very community. Where I live, same-sex marriage was made legal, but over a pretty serious majority of people who were actually against it, and the parliment's logic was "We'll pass something we know we shouldn't by all guidelines of law-making be passing, and we'll rely on society to catch up."
My point is that the UDHR reflects the society thar wrote it, and that it's even more troublesome to change than the Constitution seem to be over on the USA, because we need an ever more different group of people than both political wings to cooperate in order to do it.
BTW, if you're wondering what my position on same-sex marriage is, I stand with my school's school of thought ( try saying that 3 times really fast) which coincides with Jaimie's of "Why the fuck is the government even marrying people anyway? It's a religious thing."