Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:17 pm
Looking back to this, it seems obvious that the real utopia might arise in the "new" civilization, not in the struggle preceding it.jocaypa wrote: The Pump was the result of several decades of preparation (mind you, the previous events happened in a lapse of a century) for an stable singularity event where the few technological leaders of several countries (that is, the 4 or 5 guys who managed more than one country's technology at a time) created a conglomerate with enough strenght to, in a lapse of two decades, gather 90% of the world's technologies in the hands of few people. Their plan was to reach a global singularity before standalone technologies were able to engineer larger-than-human intelligence and engineer their own in a beneficious way to mankind.
The result was a machine more intelligent than mankind with nearly every resource at it's disposition who still shut itself down after giving humanity the keys to create a more "perfect" civilization to thrive, and also a civilization where the machine itself could become part of the world from the very beginning.
Through these century-and-a-half, not much has been done for the environment, eventually making the situation seem bleak enough to merit a world-wide escape, which the artificial intelligence orchestrated in his short life. Now, at 2200, the question is... will the leaders of the world, having already created a technological barrier between them and low or mid-class citizens, allow everybody to come with them? Or will they leave the rest of the human race to wither while only the best and greatest flee from doom?"